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5th January 2014 01:10 GMT
Luigi's Mansion 2 Club Nintendo Statuette

Back during December’s Nintendo Direct a limited edition Luigi’s Mansion 2 statuette was announced for Club Nintendo members in the US costing 1,500 coins. The same figure has also been made available on the UK Club Nintendo site for 7,000 points.

In the scene you see Luigi holding the Poltergust 5000 and a Greenie behind him, while Polterpup finds a coin hidden under the carpet

The statuette is well made and has great detail. The ghost is transparent and there is Year Of Luigi and Club Nintendo printed on the back.

Unfortiantly Nintedo UK are now out of stock of these which is why as I write this there is one sealed currently on selling on ebay for £117 with about 5 days left to go.

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